Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Great Blue Herons are Nesting!! Part Three

More pictures from 4/13/13 of the Great Blue Herons Nesting in Winton Woods.  We have thunder storms going on right now, so there will be no heron watching tonight.  I wonder what it feels like to be up in those nests during a storm?

Four standing herons.  The best one to see is the one on the far right.

Same four again.

I can see 7 herons in this shot.  Of course, the big guy on the right is so beautiful! So, three on top.  Three in a set of nests in the middle in a triangle.  And, I believe there is one on the bottom right flapping it's wings.

The end of 4/13/13 and the beginning of photos from 4/15/13.  Love this guy in flight!  Another heron in the nest to the right.

The big guy has landed!

1 comment:

Nancy said...

What a sight that must be Ginger -- we are having rain today as well and maybe snow flurries tomorrow.