Thursday, March 22, 2018

Busy Days and Busy Nights

I've been hiking pretty much lately, but just not taking many pictures.  I haven't seen too many deer lately while hiking.

I'm still counting birds but not as much as in the past.  I feel like I'm just sitting there wasting time when I could be doing other things.  I'm sure this is my last year for counting birds.  I will continue to feed them and watch them when I can especially when it's snowy.  I love seeing how many birds come.

I had my last eye doctor appointment yesterday and all is well.  Thankfully, the doctor wrote me a prescription for glasses because I was getting pretty annoyed with having to take my reading glasses off and on all the time.  I could drive without glasses, which was fine, but needed glasses for reading.  I didn't like the way my face looked without glasses either, so now I'm happy with the way I look (well, as happy as I can be).  And my distance sight is even better now with glasses.

Yesterday was a very busy day with an early eye doctor appointment, picking out frames etc., and then going grocery shopping with Herb.  I'm a quick in and out shopper, Herb is a big time browser.  Ugh.  I left him behind in many aisles yesterday.  While he looked over every selection on the shelves, I buzzed up and down the aisles grabbing exactly what I wanted on each shelf.  He finally caught up to me and then we headed over to the pharmacy section of the store.  I grabbed toothpaste, and checked out the vitamin/supplement section.  Then headed over to Herb who was checking out each and every deodorant product.  I finally just said, "just pick one and let's go."   We finally headed home at 8:15 pm.  We hadn't even had dinner yet!

The following are some pictures we shot driving through Winton Woods on the way home.  Being so late heading home had it's rewards.

 This next picture shows a portion of the paved trail that I walk if the regular trails are too slippery to hike.  The trail is to the left of the road.

One final picture of the sunset.

Finally, a pair of deer at the edge of the woods at dusk.

I'm still working on my diet.  I am down 22-24 pounds depending on the day,  Haha!  Today I was down 22 pounds due to eating at Arby's yesterday.  Oh it tasted good though!  It's the carbs that get me in trouble.  Not only a big bun but curly fries too.  Bad me.  So far today, I've been pretty good...we'll see what the scale says tomorrow!