Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Backyard Critters

Had to snap a picture of my sweet little Willow who we are still trying to get her Cushing's Disease under control.  The last couple of days she's been improving and her desire to stay out in the yard and hunt down squirrels and other critters has made us realize that she is definitely feeling better!  She no longer moans while she's sleeps...but she still snores, but that's OK!  ;-)

One day I was in a funk and didn't feel like hiking, so I pulled up a chair on the patio and took a few shots of the birds in our backyard who visit our feeders.  Mama Cardinal with a goodie in her beak.

Out of the corner of my eye I caught this little bird at the feeder.  He was in and out so quick I thought it was a Whitebreasted Nuthatch, but on second look it looks more like a Chickadee.  Too bad I didn't get it's head in the picture...oh well.


TexWisGirl said...

glad your little pup is feeling better, finally! hope that continues!

Nancy said...

Willow is such a cute puppy! I'm glad she's back to her backyard routine.

And the "headless" bird looks like a nuthatch. :)