Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Trail Shots

I haven't blogged in a few days because I'm on vacation this week and spending a lot of time running around hiking etc.  It's been a lot of fun, but I'm tired today and only did a short hike (I'll call it a walk).  It's the 4th of July and the trail I did was short, with more people and dogs than I care to deal with and very hot and muggy.

I'm not anti-social and definitely not anti-dog, I just like my trails to be quiet, calm and peaceful.  I intended to do this short trail several times to make up for it's short distance, but after going around once, I decided to call it a day.

They have a nice gift shop at this park so I stopped in a bought a few things, then headed home.  Now that I've taken pretty many pictures in the last few days, I'm behind in posting them.  Here are a few:


Ahhhhhhh...the end of Little Turtle Trail.  I was glad to see the end on this hot and steamy day.  It was a long trail with lots of hills and my knees had had it for the day.

Storm clouds a coming...glad I was headed home.


TexWisGirl said...

i like that golden glow leading you out of the greenery, and the storm clouds are beautiful. enjoy the rest of your day.

Nancy said...

The end of the trail shot is lovely, Ginger. Way to hot for me to be out today. Ugh.