Wednesday, November 22, 2017

A Great Day on the Trail

I gain so much from hiking.  The exercise, of course.  The fresh air that clears your mind and puts some energy in your step.  Seeing the wildlife and the trees and the rest of nature is the best part of it all.

I love taking pictures, because I miss so much of what I'm seeing with my tired old eyes.  Photographs give me a chance to see things closer and see what I've missed.

When I took this picture, I thought there were two deer in the picture, but as you can see there are four!  So sweet!

This is a far shot of a deer way off in the distance in the middle of the photo.  I don't know if you can see it.

Here he is after I cropped the photo a bit.  He's in the right of the photo.

And, again, a bit closer.

The reason I include all three photos is to include the rest of the surroundings that are so beautiful.

Finally, a video.  Just love to watch them move through the forest.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Walking Through the Mist

Hiking the first thing in the morning accomplishes so much for me.  It gets me moving early, even if I don't want to move.  It works out all the kinks and stiffness pretty quickly.  I may be moving slow when I first start out, but as the hike progresses every part of me moves easier and quicker.

This picture is just as Finn and I came out of the parking lot to head down the path towards the trail.  What a beautiful early morning welcome for us.  I love the sun shining through the mist!

On the way home I spotted something at the bottom of a hill as we drove through the park.  I pulled over and made my way down this steep hill.  The park district left it unmowed and left natural.  As I started to make my way down I realized it was a pretty risky move on my part.  I certainly didn't want to fall on my new knee.  The ground was soft and lumpy and the grasses were high where you couldn't see what you were walking through.  I felt like the littlest daughter on Little House on the Prairie who was running down the hill and eventually tumbled down the hill.  Luckily, I didn't fall.  These pictures of the fungi are actually too bright.  But what a lovely find spilling out of the tree.

I was going to take a picture of the grassy area I had just plodded through because it had some pretty wildflowers mixed in, but I found a safer way to climb back up.  It was still steep but the grass wasn't as high.

The next two pictures are of an afghan project I just completed.  I saw the Whistling Duck on someone else's blog and I thought it's colors were so pretty.  His feet are orange.  So, I chose his colors to make an afghan: gray, tan, black, pink and orange.

I think my next project will be to make an afghan out of all of the left over yarn I have.  It will take me some time to plot out all of the color placement.  It will make me happy to use up some of the yarn in my leftover stash.