Friday, August 25, 2017

A Visit to Raptor Inc.

I've always wanted to drive out to Milford, Ohio to visit Raptor Inc during one of their Open Houses.  It has never worked out that Herb was off work in order for us to attend.  As it turned out, this particular Sunday was our family reunion picnic that we have been attending for well over 60 years.  However, at the last minute we found out it had to be cancelled because no one reserved a shelter at the park!  We were all really disappointed, but then I remembered the Open House at Raptor Inc!!!

We only saw about 15 birds who are permanent residents due to circumstances that would not allow them to return to the wild..  However, they have many others that are being rehabilitated and were kept away from the public so they could heal and remain in a peaceful environment.

Here are a few pictures of wings and a pretty example of an owl.

Herb took a lot of pictures with a camera, I only took a few with my phone thinking the camera would get better pictures.   I was wrong...wish I had taken more pictures with the phone.

A beautiful peregrine falcon.
A sweet little barn owl.  Barn owls are my favorite!  I can't remember if he was missing a wing or just had major issues with it.
A turkey vulture.  A face only a mother could love!  I believe this "pretty" lady became too attached to someone who tried to keep her as a pet.  So much so that she couldn't be returned to the wild.
Some awesome looking owls!  Magnificent creatures!

A leucistic hawk who obviously would not fare well in the wild.  Pretty bird though.
What a cutie...screech owl.

My new Raptor Inc. t shirt.  Love the design!

1 comment:

Marilyn said...

Love your pictures. One year Jim and I went with friends to a place in Indiana to see bald eagles. It was at a power plant and they open this up once a year to the public in February. It sure was cold, but we really enjoyed it. Watched them flying and catching fish and feeding their young. They also had an indoor show introducing several raptors. Loved it. I think it was in Terre Haute. I will get you the name of a cheese place in Berlin. There were several.