Wednesday, October 12, 2016

The Road Less Traveled

I've been trying to hike as much as I can and get in the best shape possible for tomorrow is my 6th month checkup at the doctor.  I know you can't cram exercise and good eating habits into a week and hope for fantastic results, but it's a good excuse to get moving again.  I hate going to the doctor.

Yesterday, Finn and I did our usual two times around on Kingfisher Trail.  The weather here has turned into very nice cool fall days which brings out all of the part time hikers.  Part timers you never see in the heat of summer or in the cold of winter, so they will be gone soon.

On our hike yesterday, Finn and I passed two young mothers walking 3 children around the 3 to 4 year age range, and carrying an infant.  Though I'm always happy to see children getting out and enjoying nature, they were very noisy. Lots of squealing.

They were walking so slow, when Finn and I turned around to walk the trail in reverse, we caught up to them again.   That's really slow walking...because Finn and I are pretty slow.  There is a path that runs between the lower and upper portion of the trail, so Finn and I decided to take the path to avoid the squeals of the children...and I'm glad we did!

Finn is on alert...he spotted something!

Don't know if you can see it, but there is a deer up ahead!  There were actually two, but one had already walked into the cover of trees.  Finn and I stood there for a long time until the deer moved away on his own.  I'm sure they moved up higher on the trail to get away from the squealing kids as well.  Thanks kids!  It was a treat seeing the deer!

Here is a cropped picture, so you can see the deer better.

We also saw some pretty fungi.  I like the ring that runs around the outside, so pretty!

In this one, you can see a tiny strawberry on the left too.

Sometimes, the road less traveled is the best!


TexWisGirl said...

glad you got to see the deer! i'm trying to get my weight down, too, as i'm due for a check-up soon. :)

Marilyn said...

I love the pictures you post on your blog. You find some interesting things. I actually saw the deer in the first picture, but the cropped one was easier to see. I don't blame you for moving to a different trail where it was quieter. That's one reason I like going outside to work in my yard in the morning - it is quiet except for the birds.