Friday, April 20, 2012

Signs of Spring

I've finally left behind my autumn pictures...believe me, I have plenty more.  I've decided to move ahead to the present.  There were a few days when I went hiking and didn't bother to carry a camera with me.  I just wanted to hike and enjoy the sights and sounds without trying to capture anything at all.  Here are some shots from the past week.

Whether simple or fancy flower or even a weed, all the beautiful colors bursting forth along the trail just make my day!

I like all the mixed colors in this group of flowers.

I'm always happy when I capture a cardinal (or a "red bird" as I called them when I was a child).  They usually don't sit still long enough for me to get a decent picture.

Pretty purples, and one little yellow one down in the corner.

Squirmy Wormy!


TexWisGirl said...

well, welcome to spring! :)

love those violets.

Lois Evensen said...

Ah, Spring! Lovely images.