Looking in some field guides...my best guess for this little guy is that he is a Red Admiral.
Again, from my field guide this looks to be a Spicebush Swallowtail.
I liked how these little white flowers were growing near the base of this tree.
Pretty little yellow bud. I like how the hairy thingies are showing up in this shot. Don't you just love my technical jargon?
Another pretty setting for these pretty little flowers.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Friday, April 27, 2012
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
My Adventure to Columbs Ohio and the Equine Affaire
Two weekends ago I decided to venture up I71 to Columbus, Ohio...about a two hour drive from where I live. My husband had to work, so on the spur of the moment I decided to go any way. The directions seemed pretty simple, a straight shot up I71 to exit 111. Turn left, go a block a turn right.
I didn't count on the road construction 5 miles before my exit. I got off I71 AFTER I missed the detour and didn't have a clue how to get to the Fair Grounds. After driving around for about 30 minutes and stopping twice to get directions, I finally found the Fair Grounds!! However, by that time, I was so frustrated I just wanted to go home. Was I surprised to look up and see the Fair Grounds just before I got back on to I71.
It was a rainy cold day and I stayed for about 4 hours. I would have like to have stayed longer but the old knees were starting to ache. So I headed home. I had no trouble finding my way home, but had to drive the almost 2 hours in a steady downpour of rain. It was difficult to see and there were crazy people on the highway with no lights. I was never quite sure the whereabouts of cars near me because it was so hard to see. I made it home with no mishaps, but I was worn out, wet and achy. Other than that, I had a wonderful time!
Here are some shots of the Ohio Equine Affaire 2012.
I didn't get to roam around a lot to the different buildings because of the rain, but here are some shots of the beautiful Gypsy Vanner Horses.
After the Gypsy Vanners, I stayed for a clinic put on by Stacy Westfall. Stacy Westfall is a professional horse trainer who specializes in reining. She was the first woman to compete in and win the "Road to the Horse" competition. In 2006 she won the American Quarter Horse Congress Freestyle Reining competition on the black mare Whizards Baby Doll, riding both bridleless and bareback.
This next picture is quite a blur! This will give you a good idea just how fast she was riding around the arena! And doing it all WITHOUT A BRIDLE! What a rider!!
Two more shots...unfortunately, both from the back.
I didn't count on the road construction 5 miles before my exit. I got off I71 AFTER I missed the detour and didn't have a clue how to get to the Fair Grounds. After driving around for about 30 minutes and stopping twice to get directions, I finally found the Fair Grounds!! However, by that time, I was so frustrated I just wanted to go home. Was I surprised to look up and see the Fair Grounds just before I got back on to I71.
It was a rainy cold day and I stayed for about 4 hours. I would have like to have stayed longer but the old knees were starting to ache. So I headed home. I had no trouble finding my way home, but had to drive the almost 2 hours in a steady downpour of rain. It was difficult to see and there were crazy people on the highway with no lights. I was never quite sure the whereabouts of cars near me because it was so hard to see. I made it home with no mishaps, but I was worn out, wet and achy. Other than that, I had a wonderful time!
Here are some shots of the Ohio Equine Affaire 2012.
I didn't get to roam around a lot to the different buildings because of the rain, but here are some shots of the beautiful Gypsy Vanner Horses.
After the Gypsy Vanners, I stayed for a clinic put on by Stacy Westfall. Stacy Westfall is a professional horse trainer who specializes in reining. She was the first woman to compete in and win the "Road to the Horse" competition. In 2006 she won the American Quarter Horse Congress Freestyle Reining competition on the black mare Whizards Baby Doll, riding both bridleless and bareback.
This next picture is quite a blur! This will give you a good idea just how fast she was riding around the arena! And doing it all WITHOUT A BRIDLE! What a rider!!
Two more shots...unfortunately, both from the back.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
More Spring Pictures
Lovin' Mr Duck and his reflection

Lovely yellow flowers/weeds are beginning to spring up all over. I liked the mixed grasses in the background along Kingfisher creek.
And at the base of a tree....
My favorite couple again. Showing off their pretty and varied colors.
Mrs Duck catching some sun.
More blue star-like flowers.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Springtime Trailside
My friends, Mr & Mrs Duck!
Common Fleabane
More fungi. I really love to look at the beautiful coloring. Also like the surrounding green leaves.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Springtime Abounds
Couldn't get close enough to determine what kind of bird this is, but thought he looked pretty sitting in the budding tree. It's probably a robin, but not sure.

More fungi on a log along with a little flower and some moss.
A little flower growing up through the bridge floor.
More purple beauties.
Another butterfly.
These next two photos were taken at a cemetery on Mother's Day. Just thought the waterfall etc. was so beautiful and peaceful.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
More Spring Photos
More lovely violets

My favorite little couple I see most every time I hike Kingfisher Trail in Winton Woods. I think they are so sweet. I love seeing this couple together all the time. My hike is not complete if I don't see them.
This is one of my favorite shots I took recently. Just love the color and their pose.
Butterflies are out and about!
And, of course, some of favorite fungi.
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