One of our cats is not doing very well either. Magnum has lost the use of his back legs. He doesn't seem to be in any pain, but we do keep an extra eye for him. Finn likes to jump on the cats and give them "kisses" too, and poor Magnum has no way to escape quickly. We move Magnum to higher ground (the sofa) when Finn is out tearing around the house. Magnum is having some litter box issues too. His back legs usually don't make it into the litter box (he thinks they're in, but because he doesn't have any feeling in them, he doesn't realize they aren't in). We have a pretty good system set up so the mess stays in a big tray, but it does take extra time and effort to clean up after him.

Magnum in his safe spot on the sofa when Finn is running wild.
Magnum's other safe spot in the "cat room" only the cats are allowed in this room. Litter boxes, food and water and of course, Magnum's special resting spot. Magnum spends a lot of time in here away from crazy Finn, but he can come out whenever he wants.
I don't get a lot of comments on my blog, and that's OK. I know some people read my blog, but don't leave comments...I'm OK with that. I read a few blogs and don't leave comments either. I do appreciate anyone who stops by to read my blog leaving comments or not.
So, I've decided just to blog when I have something that I'd like to share with others or just for my own enjoyment. I hope you'll tag along with me whether I blog once a week, once a month...or who knows, once a year!
Today, I've decided to share a video of horse I used to ride at Winton Woods Riding Center when I took lessons a few years ago. His name is Sultan and has always been one of my favorites. This video was taken by a lady who works at the Riding Center and was kind enough to share it with me. This video shows off how beautiful Sultan is...such a handsome boy! Horses are such magnificent animals! This is my first attempt to post a video, hope it works! Enjoy!