Saturday, June 16, 2012

Do You Ever Feel Like a Slug?

Some days I feel just like this little guy,

Some of these shots were taken when I started having problems with the my camera.  We eventually figured out what was wrong, unfortunately though some of my shots are blurry.  This was a pretty little butterfly on clover.  The picture didn't look at all blurry when I took it, but this was what I ended up getting.

I'm pretty sure this is a bluejay.  I had a hard time getting this shot.  It isn't the best, but I'm always happy to get a bird shot...they don't sit still like fungi and flowers!


TexWisGirl said...

laughed at your slug. :)

Lois Evensen said...

Oh, I have some snakes in my garden who would love to gobble up that slug. :) Escargot for the snakes!