Monday, November 14, 2011

Odds and Ends From Here and There

The next two pictures are from Hueston Woods State Park.  I really love the colors in these two pictures.

Some yellow fungi from Miami Whitewater Park

This is a Downy Woodpecker on our backyard suet feeder.  This year we are participating in a science project by Cornell University called Project Feeder Watch.  You record how many different species of bird visit your backyard over a two day period each week from November - March.  It's a very interesting and fun project.  Cornell supplies you with a poster of birds and other materials to help you identify the birds.  When we took this picture of the woodpecker, we knew it was a woodpecker but that was about it.  I'm really learning a lot through Project Feeder Watch.

The last three pictures were taken at Winton Woods Park.

1 comment:

TexWisGirl said...

oh my! the raccoon was a surprise! and yes, those top 2 photos are gorgeous!