Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Several Unusual Specimens

These pretty little white flowers are White Wood Asters.

Little green berries, not sure what they are.

This is a most unusual flower that I came upon.  Never saw it before but thought it was quite beautiful with two different kinds of blooms. It is not shown in my field guide of wild flowers.

I am really guessing on these next two pictures.  My best guess for this first picture is that it is Many-colored Polypore (coriolus versicolor)
This little clump of fungi is quite cute.  At first I thought it was just growing up on it's own out of the soil.  On closer inspection there is a little tree stump that it's growing on.  It looks like a little Christmas tree fungi.
This next one may be Hen of the Woods (grifola frondosa)
In the same area I came across this fungi, it reminded me of a pretty.

1 comment:

TexWisGirl said...

that blue flower - could it be some sort of foxglove?