Monday, February 5, 2018

On the Road with the Deer

Sometimes I see deer when I'm driving to the trail.  Usually one or two, but on this day, I saw four!  It always makes me nervous when I see deer along the road in the parks.  The speed limit is set low, but you know people they are always in a hurry and don't watch their speed.  I stopped, and prayed that no one would come speeding along behind me and rear end me.  There are lots of turns on this road and I didn't want to be a sitting duck.  Or that drivers coming in the opposite direction would hit the deer.

#1 deer on the right side of the picture checking for cars before he crossed.

Deer #1 making it across!

Deer #2 and #3.  One on the right, and one on the left.
Deer #4 on the right.  He's going to make a mad dash!
Quick! Before a car comes!
Hey guys!  Wait for me!

Right after they passed a car came in the opposite direction.  So I was glad they made it.  For some goofy reason, I think of the album cover of Abbey Road with these pictures.  They just needed a crosswalk. Haha!

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