Monday, April 10, 2017

It's Going to Be a Busy Week!

This is going to be a busy week for me.  Our son, Paul is coming up from Florida tomorrow (Tuesday) night..I'll be picking him up at the airport at 10:30 pm.  He's only staying until the weekend, then he'll drive one of his vehicles we have here back down to Florida.

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings are all booked spending time at church.  My daughter-in-law, Nikki is becoming Catholic and I am her sponsor.  I love church BUT with my son in town I really don't want to spend that much time in church.  Since that's the way everything timed out...that's where I'll be.  It's an exciting time for Nikki and I am happy to be her sponsor and walk with her through this journey.

I still try to get in my daily walks with Finn.  It's been 2 miles, 6 days a week.  Between the rain and the road construction really close to our house it's been a challenge just getting out and driving somewhere.  I try to only go out once or twice during the day while they're working.  Here's a short video of our street from today.  Who needs an alarm clock when they're here at 7:30 am every morning?!


Just thought I'd share a picture of myself that I took the other day.  Not the best, but it is what it is.

 This is a new area I visited on my hike.  If you look in the center, you can see a duck diving for something good to eat.
This is a spillway looking the opposite way.
I took this picture today of a daffodil along Kingfisher Trail.  I like all the shades of green in this picture.  I also saw a hawk, eastern towhee and an eastern bluebird.  Unfortunately, they were too quick and I didn't get any pictures of them.  Darn!
And finally, another video I took of the spillway. A much more relaxing sound than that of construction!
Wish me luck...I'm off to the post office to mail some bills.  Hope I can get out of the driveway!



Lois Evensen said...

Enjoy your week! How wonderful to be able to spend it with family. :)

Marilyn said...

Glad to see you are still hiking. Love the pictures. Sorry about the construction. Enjoy your visit with your son.