Saturday, September 8, 2012

Back Again!

After a crazy August and no blogging, I'm back!

Actually, it all began at the end of June, but August was the worst.  Of course, we started out by picking up a stray cat in the woods and ended up that same day with not only a new cat but 3 newborn kittens.  I was also plagued by 3 back to back health issues.  Thankfully, they ended up not being serious but, just enough to slow me down and not want to do anything.  That's why I haven't blogged lately or left many comments on my bloggers' friends' pages.  Sorry about that.

I've even taken some time off from my volunteer duties at the cat shelter.  My own pets have so many health needs that I need to deal with at this time, I figured they (and my own health) needed to be my priorities at this time.

Misty (mama cat) is now up-to-date on all her shots and has been spayed.  The second day after her surgery we noticed her stitches had been pulled out.  We don't think they were in very good to start with.  She seems to be healing fine though.  Yay!

The two kittens that survived Squishy, the black & white (my granddaughter's new kitten) and Macey, the gray & white (apparently ours, since no one has said they wanted her) have two more visits to the vet coming up, and of course, need to be spayed and neutered.

Willow, our dachshund, of course still has her Cushings Disease, so we're spending a good deal of time cleaning up her accidents even though she is on two medications.  She's so sweet, I feel so bad for her.

I had my own doctor's visits to tend to, plus working part time, so I decided to take some time off from those things that weren't really necessary for my day to day living.

During my month of health issues I also didn't hike at all!  I really really missed that!  I did my first 2 1/2 mile hike yesterday...did that feel good!  It's raining this morning, and I'm not sure I'll be able to fit one in today or tomorrow. :(  We'll see.

All seems to be going well at this point...keep your fingers crossed.  I am looking forward to getting these kittens finished with their vet visits and will be able to start acclimating Misty and Macey to the rest of the menagerie here at home (2 dogs and 3 other cats).  When all this gets accomplished, I hope to go back to my normal madcap routine!


TexWisGirl said...

when your comment came thru the other day, i realized it had been a LONG time since hearing from you. glad things are settling down (especially the health issues!)

Marilyn said...

Welcome back. I wondered why you hadn't updated your blog, etc. Hope all is going well with you. The kittens are so cute. I figured you would end up with the mama cat and at least one of the kittens. And I noticed that the other kitten is still in the family.

Lois Evensen said...

Welcome back. :) Your little critters are so darling. I'm glad to hear you are better and good enough to be back to blogging. :) Yes, the rain has come to Cincy, hasn't it. Overnight we had quite a bit here. The garden is happy!