Friday, May 4, 2012

Springtime Shots from a Few Weeks Ago

I haven't posted in a while because I've been preoccupied with my little wirehaired dachshund, Willow.  She's been diagnosed with Cushing's Disease and so far,she  is not responding at all to the medication she is on.  I've been spending my free time on the internet researching and looking for answers on this difficult disease.

It's time to take a break and try to get my life back on track. She isn't in any pain, just drinking a lot and of course, urinating a lot.  I spend most of time either letting her outside (every hour) or cleaning up after her when I've forgotten that the hour is bad.  ;-)

I was glad I took this shot of these pretty little daffodils.  The next day I hiked the same trail and someone had decided to cut them and take them home.  Stupid people.   Don't they know they're supposed to leave things grow where they are so others can enjoy them too?


TexWisGirl said...

sorry about your pup's diagnosis, but maybe now that you know what'd going on, they can find a treatment to help balance her out. i know that's a tough one, though.

Lois Evensen said...

Awww, I'm sorry to hear about your dog.